It's been very cold here in Calgary, with temperatures hovering between -22°C to -33°C this past week. This has been very fitting considering Gastropost Calgary's mission this week is called "Warm It Up"! So I figured what a great time to make some chicken soup, the quintessential comfort food.
I've been on a cyclical ketogenic lifestyle for about 6 months now and along with daily yoga and cardio, have greatly improved my health & wellness. Jesse on the other hand wasn't completely sold on a low carb lifestyle until now. He started reading a book called The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and we've decided to adopt a strict primal/paleo(ish) lifestyle starting today. So last week we got our carb cravings out, especially for rice and bread. I've had a bad craving for Indian food for awhile now and the last time we had it was months ago.